Effective Cybersecurity solutions for CAM clinics

The 2022 Medibank breach reminded us of the importance of cybersecurity and protecting our clients health data.

What do you really know?

Learn and learn some more! The Australian Cyber Security Centre is an epicentre for all the information you can find on cybersecurity. And it's free! So, no excuse. There are exercises to learn while doing. And a ton of different ways to secure your clinic. Please check it out.

There is even a specified Small Business Cyber Security tab.


Every 7 minutes

A cyberattack is reported in Australia.

(Australian Cyber Security Centre 2022)


Guides to help

Specific outlines on how to help small businesses with cybersecurity. (Australian Cyber Security Centre 2022)


ransomware threats were reported

This is where the hacker locks the computer and asks for money or will delete/release your files. (Australian Cyber Security Centre 2022)

Back up your data

Back ups are good for many reasons for example, you may lose access to a file or it is accidentally deleted through human error - it happens. This way you still have a copy. Backing up data is standard procedure now and is not a viable excuse in court should you need to go. Secondly, in the event your clinic is hacked and data is deleted, you can restore your data using your back ups and get your business operating again without too much delay.

Back up can be on the cloud or on a hard drive. As long as it is regularly done and is secure.

The ACSC has information on how.

Phishing attacks

With AI, phishing emails are very sophisticated and can look almost identical to the real thing. AI can now even adjust the tone of the email to match the sender.

To prevent an attack try using multi-factor authentication and check the spelling of the email address - does it look legitimate?

Level up with the training provided by the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

Been hacked?

What now?

The Australian Cyber Security Centre has the full process listed on its site, here.

There are a few things you will need to do:

  1. Report it. (There will be a questionnaire that you fill out, just be honest and answer what you know, they don't expect you to know all the technical details, they will help with that).

  2. Provide information such as logs, samples of the malware, and anything that shows evidence of the incident.

We’ve helped them

We've partnered with many household brand names to deliver insights and solutions to their problems with big data.

Happy clients

Don't just take our word for it – our clients frequently stay in touch with us and work with us on future projects that require big data insights.

John Bjerrand

I work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.

Anna Claudio

As the in-house supplier manager, it's sometimes had to understand which manufacturers work best for our needs. Lilo's data analysis helped us identify where we could save and which manufacturers worked the best for us in the long term.

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.